Monday, May 31, 2010

Julia Child

About 6 months ago, a movie came out called Julie & Julia which tells the true story of a young American lady's quest to cook her way through Julia Child's prolific cookbook Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Heather and I both loved the movie! It motivated us to seek out some original Julia Child materials. We went to the library and found a DVD of her cooking show The French Chef and enjoyed it very much! She was a very wonderful, fun teacher and many of her recipes are quite practical...and delicious looking! We also found her cookbook at the library and thought it would be fun to look through it and make a few things!!

This long weekend proved a good time for trying some new things!
Heather made this beautiful apple custard tart. Just think Mom and Dad, Heather's awesome apple pie but cranked up a couple notches! Didn't think it could get there? Add a homemade crust to die for, and a rich, hand-whipped custard and here it is.

After a little dusting of powdered sugar, this thing was beautiful...and delicious!

This morning for brunch, I made something called Rapee Morv Andelle which is a Gratin of potato, ham, and onion.

We still have a few recipes to attempt, including: Mussels, Fondue, Ratatouille, Chocolate Mousse, hollandaise & bernaise sauces, lady fingers, and steak with a red wine sauce. YUM YUM!!! While no Julia Child, we are really enjoying trying some new recipes, and expanding our repertoire!

1 comment:

Dave and Cami said...

LOVE it. Perhaps you could share the art of french cooking with us at Christmas time.