Saturday, April 18, 2015

New Recipe Week

Our last blog post was all about getting out of our regular dinner routine by doing a week of all Thai food recipes. After a few weeks of returning to some of our favorite dishes, we decided to be a little adventurous again by trying a new recipe each night for a week. We are both inspired by our mothers who bravely approach new recipes much of the time when they have company over. Conventional wisdom would say they are crazy, and they would be better off preparing something they know they can make well. But not our mothers! They say that having company over is the perfect opportunity to try a new recipe because if it fails, they can simply blame it on the recipe! We hoped we wouldn't have to make any excuses this week and fortunately I'd say we came out on top. Whether you're having company over or not, we hope you give at least one of these a try!

New Recipie #1
Teriyaki Salmon with Sriracha Cream Sauce found on Pintrest via  
I'm sure many of you have seen those websites that highlight all the "Pinterest Fails" - those attempts to recreate a pinterest masterpiece that end up looking nothing like the original. Shown here first is the Pinterest inspiration, then our work.

Our attempt:

We definitely could have done a better job with the cream sauce and garnish. But at least it was really tasty!

 New Recipie #2
Asparagus Frittata with Mint and Parmesan via The New Best Recipe cookbook.  
We mentioned this cookbook in our last blog and it really is amazing!  Every recipe in this book is well tested and perfected!  The mint and parmesan work so well together in this recipe to lighten it up and give a bright, fresh taste.


New Recepie #3
Grilled Ginger-Sesame Chicken Chopped Salad via  
We did more shopping at K&S for all the lovely fresh produce for this recipe; ginger, green onions, cilantro, and napa cabbage. It was a little flash back to our Thai week and it was awesome.


New Recipe #4
Spicy Black Bean Soup. 
 We've both been quite fond of black beans for a while and when we came across this recipe, we knew we had to try it. It also gave us an opportunity to use one of our favorite cheeses at the moment, queso fresco. Queso fresco is a mild, crumbly cheese that is often crumbled and served over the top of your Mexican food. This turned out amazing, spicy and delicious.  Just saute the veggies, add the remaining ingredients and then use an immersion blender to smooth it out.  We served it with cheese quesadillas.  This was Heather's favorite new recipe we tried!

New Recipe #5 
Stuffing Waffles.  

You read that right. We made stuffing and then put it in the waffle maker.  This idea came from an episode of Diners Drive-ins and Dives.  The idea was so outlandish, so fantastic, so interesting, we just had to try it!  These turned out really great (how could they not?) and we served them with chicken (seasoned with herbs de provence), green beans and cranberry sauce.

And there ya have it! Five new recipes in one week! We had a lot of fun trying these and we hope you'll try one too. This may be it for food blogs for now. At the moment, we're working on a 30-step photography challenge that you'll be able to follow on our Instagram pages. Until next time!