Sunday, December 23, 2012

Merry Christmas!!!

I could come out and tell you that we are leading the way into this crazy internet age by putting our Christmas letter on our blog 'cause it's the cool thing to do, but I'd be lying. We just didn't get this silly thing written in time to mail it out. No big deal! 

There isn't a whole lot that is new in our lives this year. I am still working on my Au.D. degree and am in the middle of my 4th and last year. I'm working full time at the VA Medical Center and have been enjoying clinical work very much. It's been a real honor to serve the Veterans in this capacity and I will definitely miss it this next summer when my externship ends. Speaking of which, Heather and I have decided to stay in Nashville for about 3 more years while I pursue my Ph.D. in cochlear implants. Vanderbilt has a great cochlear implant research lab and I'm really looking forward to being a part of it for a few years. Heather is still working hard as a case manager at Zander Insurance here in town. Now that I'm working full time too, I'm so impressed at how strong her work ethic has been this entire time! She's always been a hard worker, and continues to impress me with her endurance. 

As you probably know, our plans for Christmas did not include being in Walla Walla this year. While not our first Christmas away from home, it is our first Christmas being just the two of us. We decided to make a trip home (Bellingham) in October and got to see our family and friends then in lieu of a trip home for Christmas. At the time, it seemed like a good idea. And it was! We had a wonderful time there. But as the Christmas season neared, we found ourselves wishing we were going home to be with our families. But alas, this year we will be doing our own thing. Working on establishing our own traditions. We got our tree set up a couple weeks ago and it has been slowly but surely filling up with presents! 

Looking into next year, I will be graduating from Vanderbilt with my Au.D. in May. It will be a great opportunity to have family gather in Nashville for some celebrations! Heather and I will also be looking to move out of our apartment and into a rental home this summer. After 8 years of apartment living, I think we are both pretty tired of having neighbors this close and no private yard space for the dog. We'll be keeping an eye out for a good property and will obviously post on this blog if/when we make the move! 

We hope you all are having a most wonderful holiday season and that you have a very merry Christmas, where ever you may be.