Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The first piece of news!

Hey everyone! It has been a little while since our last post here, mostly because we've been waiting to hear back from grad schools. Well, the day has finally come! Today Tim got word from the University of Utah that he has been invited to go for an Interview on Feb. 27th. Talk about short notice! It looks like he'll be making the 925-mile drive on Thursday the 26th and isn't sure when he'll come back.
So even though this isn't a "Tim got accepted at ___________ school today", we are just thankful to hear some news. We are so anxious to see what is in store for us. After all the preparation and waiting, we feel like the time is finally here. We'll keep you updated on the very latest!
As always, we miss and love you all very much.
Stay tuned!!!