Saturday, August 4, 2012

4th Year Funny!

Here's another installment in the 4th year funnies series. I'll bring them to you as often as I experience them! I've already shared this story with some of you. For the rest, know that this is the single most ridiculous thing I have seen in clinic to date.

Last week I saw a Veteran who said that since he received his repaired hearing aid in the mail, it has been squealing in his ear. I asked him to put the hearing aid in his ear so I could figure out how bad the problem was, and sure enough. As soon as he put the aid in his ear, the thing started screaming at me! I looked in his ear fully expecting to see a wall of hard earwax blocking the sound, but he had a hearing aid dome in there!! No wonder the thing was feeding back. This alone wasn't the most amazing thing I'd ever seen. I have probably seen this happen on 2 or 3 different occasions. We took the dome out and I took another look in his ear to make sure there wasn’t a bunch of wax behind it or anything. I saw some wax, and just solid black down in his ear. I’m thinking, great. Starkey makes black domes. This guy has TWO domes in his ear!? 

Yup. So we took him to ENT so they could take this one out with their scope since it was pretty deep. He took that one out and said he had some squamous debris in the canal so he was going to clean it out. He started taking the junk out… and says, “Guys, I think he has another dome in there…” No way! We couldn’t believe it. But sure enough, the ENT pulled a THIRD dome out of the guys ear. We couldn’t help but laugh at how ridiculous the situation was! So the ENT said there was still some debris in the canal and he wanted to get everything out. He resumed cleaning and then realized that there was something linear in his ear. “Guys, I think there might be a 4th one in there.” We seriously thought he was kidding. NOPE. HE PULLED OUT A 4th DOME FROM THIS GUY’S EAR!!!!

“Wow, I can hear!”  Mhmmmm.

My supervisor had never seen anyone with two domes in his ear, and this fella had an entire ear canal full of domes. How he didn't notice the 4 domes that went missing is beyond me. I seemed to not be surprised by the first one, but was definitely a bit embarrassed about the other three. I'm sure he'll be more careful and suspicious when he pulls a hearing aid out of his ear that doesn't have a dome attached.

I got back to the clinic and called the next patient back. He said, "Well, my right hearing aid doesn't work, and..." after pulling the left hearing aid off his ear, "this hearing aid doesn't have a dome on it."


I immediately took a look in his ear. Thankfully, this guy didn't have any domes in there. Phew. I don't think I could have held back the laughter at that point!

Until next time...

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